Gum Surgery & Treatments

Periodental Therapy

Periodontics is a field of dentistry which encom passes the prevention, diagnosis and the treatment of oral diseases which affects the supporting and the surrounding tissues of the tooth/teeth or their substitutes (dental implants).
The tissues which provide support or the supporting tissues are known as the periodontium. These include the gingival(gums),alveolar bone,cementum, and the periodical ligament.Periodontium is so called because in grek the word ‘peri’ mean ’around’ and ‘odons’ mean tooth.Basically Periodontics means ,the study of tissues around the tooth /teeth.
Although periodontal diseases take many different forms, they are generally a result of a coalescence of bacterial plaque, biofilm accumulation of the gingival and teeth together with the host immune-inflammatory mechanisms and the other factors whoich are fatal.These lead to destruction of the supporting bone around natural teeth. If they are left untreated, these diseases may lead to alveolar bone loss and tooth loss.Since centuries this has been the main reason for the tooth/teeth lose in adults.
A dentist who specializes who specializes in the diagonosis and non-surgical treatment of diseases and conditions of the periodontium is called a periodontists.Periodontists are known to be the best in treating the patients with periodontal diseases. These may consist of all forms of gingivitis,periodontists and gingival recession, including the surgical placement and long-term maintenance of dental implants.